Thank You for voting us Best in the City 2020 - Childrens Store
We WON! Each time I think about it I smile, our wee shop, Best in the City Children’s Store for 2020. Thank you from all my staff who work so hard to keep us humming; Carmen, Kate, Christa and I are so grateful for your votes and support. This win makes me even prouder to be a Victorian. We are a community, we support local business, we care about the environment and shopping with us keeps our costs down because damn it's expensive to live in our beautiful city.
I'm continually in awe of your support, I know I say it often but our consignment cycle wouldn’t make it round without each of you. There are so many benefits to recycling the clothing and gear our kids grow out of so fast; the donations to our local charities, items we cannot accept are collected by Compassionate Resource Warehouse and items that don't sell find new homes within the programs at The Cridge Centre for Family, keeping thousands of items from the landfill and earning 50-60% of each item that sells to use in store or grab the cash.
We look forward to working hard for you to hopefully clinch our 3rd WIN in 2021.
Huge thanks again to all of you for being part of Sailor Jack.